The National Dairy Council’s (NDC) flagship partnership with the NFL, Fuel Up to Play 60, recently kicked off its tenth year of activities with the start of the new school year
In the International Guernsey Show at World Dairy Expo on Friday, October 4, it was Valley Gem Atlas Malt-ET that was left in the center of the ring at the end of the show
It came down to four Big 10 universities for the team title. At the end, it was the slimmest of margins. Coaches will tell students that every single point counts. And last night, it was just that close
A partnership that was born out of necessity over 35 years ago has fostered a unique opportunity for college students and companies to connect during one of the dairy industry’s busiest weeks of...
There are three national 4-H dairy contests held each year. The Junior Dairy Management contest held its 33th annual contest last week in Harrisburg, Penn
While most farmers in the South and West already have their corn silage safely stored away, many in the Midwest and Northeast are still wondering if their corn will reach maturity
What does a deadly disease in hogs have to do with dairy markets? The answer is quite simple . . . pigs eat components of whey, a cheese by-product. Fewer pigs means a plummeting demand for whey exported...
If you’ve got money in your bank account, does that mean your farm is profitable? If your farm is profitable, does that mean you must have enough cash to pay all your bills?
Originally included in the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, known to many of us as the farm bill, it has finally reached the point where dairy farmers must decide their level of participation